OMGod…I have been away from Word Press so long that their entire format has changed!!! I am truly sorry for being gone for so long. I have been entirely focused on my blog “21 Rosemary Lane” that I have just been neglecting poor old “Big Giant Dog”!

This morning I found myself taking a little stroll down memory lane and revisiting some of my earlier posts here…I am so sad that I stopped documenting my kids activities. They are growing at such an alarming rate that before I know it they will be in college…not needing mommy and not providing such adorable material for me to write about! I simply must come back!!!

So I am going to pick up where I left off…writing down my thoughts and feelings on issues in my life and documenting Grace, Michael, Buster and my hubby Chris. The spring is immerging, a time for rebirth is here…a time to get back over to Big Giant Dog and keep my mother in the loop of my life!

After all my mom is my biggest fan!!!

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My seven year old is walking briskly around the kitchen island. He also has a fist full of carrots in his hands. I asked him what he was doing.

“Exercising” he replied


“Because I am getting fat.” he answered as he ate a carrot and continued walking.

“Getting fat, I said…who told you that you were fat?”

“No one…I just told myself!”

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Repost…If you’ve lost someone near to you this year

I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, with tiny lights, like heaven’s stars, reflecting in the snow.

The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear, for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, But the sound of music can’t compare with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me, I see the pain inside your heart, But I am not so far away, we really aren’t apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones, you know I hold you dear. And be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift from my heavenly home above. I sent you each a memory of my undying love.

After all, love is more precious than pure gold. It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other as my father said to do, for I can’t count the blessings or love he has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and wipe aware that tear, Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

~ Epiphay of our Lord Church

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To Catch the Tooth Fairy

Last evening Michael came home from Boy Scouts all excited because he had lost yet another tooth! So the baby tooth was wrapped up in a little plastic baggy and as my husband was putting Michael to bed, Michael whispered to Chris that he “Wanted to catch the Tooth Fairy”. Well Chris didn’t think too much of the statement and gave Michael a kiss after he read his nightly story to the kids, tucked him in and shut off the light.

Later on when Chris was on his way to bed, he stopped by Michael’s room to check on the tooth. Here is where the Tooth Fairy may have encountered a wee problem. You see Michael had a freaking “Death Grip” on the dang tooth so there was no way the Tooth Fairy could have ever retrieved it. Michael was determined to catch her…but I think she was way too smart to be caught! So tonight Michael went to bed again with his lost tooth…I’m just hoping that the little fairy can complete her mission as planned! I would really hate for Michael to nab her in the act of replacing the tooth with a monetary exchange. Childhood is simply too short the way it is today!!!

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Leaning Tower of Treesa

OK…I have to share this with you because I am sure that I am not the only person this has happened to…yesterday afternoon as I was shooting a few pictures of my living room all decorated for Christmas, and I thought I noticed that my tree was not straight. Now for some reason, not sure if it is because I used a smaller tree stand or if it is because I hung so many heavy items  on the tree…or possibly a combination of both, but my tree has been giving me problems in the way of not being very steady. So I decided to “fix” it all by myself.

I grabbed a little piece of cardboard and folded it 3 times and my plan was to just slip it under the tree stand in an effort to make the tree straight. Ha…my husband always says that if you want to make God laugh, make a plan. Well I’m sure he was in stitches as he or anyone else who could see into my living room, watched me try to accomplish this task. I no sooner began to tip the tree back when the whole thing came crashing down and landed on the love seat. Amazingly only one ornament broke, but most of the other ornaments as well as half of the pictures fell off. And if not to make things even worse, the dang thing tipped over yet again this time spilling all the water out of the base and landing directly on me!

So at this point I thought what’s the point, I figuered I’d just wait for Chris to come home and we will put the larger base on it and I’ll simply have to redecorate the tree in the morning.  Now today as I began to put everything back on the tree I noticed that I was starting to like my new arrangement better than the original. I was so excited that I ran to grab my camera and re shoot the pictures of my tree but when I uploaded them this is what I saw…

Ugh…I couldn’t believe it! Not only is it still leaning, but it’s leaning worse than it was yesterday!!! I think I will just send this picture to Chris while he is at work today and let him know the dillio that way. I just pray that in the meantime my “Leaning Tower of Treesa” doesn’t tip over again!

Hope your day is going a little better than mine 🙂

Posted in Decorating, family, God, humor | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment


Growing up, a typical morning breakfast in our home consisted of a bowl of your favorite cereal with milk and a one-a-day vitamin. The only breakfast actually ever”cooked” was on Christmas morning after the gifts had been opened. My dad would make a full on breakfast of eggs, any way you wanted them, bacon, toast and good old O.J..

Well my kids do not subscribe to this way of eating and since the advent of the microwave oven in every home, I doubt many children do. The microwave can make any hot breakfast in a matter of minutes, and I admittedly have gotten into the habit of giving the crowds what they want…a hot breakfast. I buy the ready-made pancakes at Wal-Mart along with the brown and serve sausage, and on most given mornings my kids are chowing down on a hot pancake and sausage breakfast!

But what happens when I run out? The crowds get upset and grumble and say things like…”What’s with your not cooking mom?” “No pancakes, I have to eat cereal?” And when this goes on for more than a couple of days they begin to get angry. But  eventually it will come to a point where they may need to take matters into their own hands!

So the other morning Michael came down to breakfast with his little piggy bank and set it down on the kitchen table. “How much mom?” he says to me. I looked at him and questioned what he was referring to. “How much do pancakes cost mom? Two, three dollars? I’ll give you the money to buy more pancakes.” I just shook my head in disbelief. He really thought that we couldn’t afford to buy pancakes and that is why his morning meal had been reduced to cold cereal and milk. I laughed to myself and smiled at him and told him to keep his money for a rainy day. And I assured him that day I would buy more pancakes.

Posted in children, Food, humor, parenting | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

My New York City Marathon Experience

It was this past June when I received the notice via email that I will be running in the 2011 New York City marathon. Well to be honest I was both excited and worried. I was excited for the obvious reason…the NYC marathon is one big stinking deal! But on the other hand I was a wee bit worried about being able to actually complete it. You see I was sidelined from running for most of 2010 due to a left tibial stress fracture which took forever to diagnose, and then I had 8 weeks in an air cast. Not fun. Once the cast came off it was a real struggle for me to get back into the swing of running again. Then over the winter months I packed on a few extra pounds which did not help the cause much at all!

Once it sunk in that I would be running this marathon, I remember thinking to myself that I have to pull it all together enough to train hard during the warm weather…which I hate…and imagine myself running 16, 18 and 20 miles! But thanks to my dear friend Donna, whom without I never would have been able to train the way I did, by July my training was off and running…and so was I.

So here it is the morning of November 6th, it’s early and we had to be at the charter bus in Clinton by 6:15. The weather forecast for the day was actually fairly mild for the beginning of November, but I know that the city is always a few degrees cooler than here at home so I packed a freaking wardrobe of various tops and jackets to take with me “just in case”. The bus ride up was pleasant but overall pretty  uneventful. The bus dropped us all off where the race begins, at the base of the Verrazzano bridge on the Staten Island side. This is where the so-called “villages” were set up for the runners. These villages are coded with the colors blue, orange and green, so there were approximately 15,000 runners per village. The colors correspond to the line in which each runner will be running in until mile 8. There are 3 waves if runners that go out from all villages. Each wave has upwards of 70-80 corrals and these corrals are determined by how long each runner estimates it will take him or her to complete the marathon. So the faster folks are in the lower number corrals of each wave and us poky folk are in the higher number corrals. O.K….so now that you’ve got this bit of info you will never need or ever use, here is a shot of the mighty Verrazzano bridge.

The bridge is approximately 1.5 miles long so you start the race on either the top-level or bottom level and run a slight uphill for 3/4 of a mile and then down for last 3/4 mile.

Below you can see the two levels of the bridge as the first wave of runners from the blue and orange head out on the top and the green on the bottom!

Once you come off the bridge you are in the hub of Brooklyn and oh my God is Brooklyn beautiful!!! The fans there are awesome to boot! Thousands of spectators lined the sides of 4th avenue as the runners made their way down. At about mile 5 my husband and kids along with one of my oldest and dearest friends Christina were there ringing bells and clapping to cheer Donna and myself on!

So let me tell you a little about some of the other runners Donna and I encountered along this race. While we were in Brooklyn we ran past a young man who had bilateral prosthetic lower limbs and only one arm. As Donna and I ran by we gave him a big cheer and clapped as many other runners did when they saw him. Donna and I just looked at each other knowing we were thinking the same thing…”now how can I complain?” We also ran past a guy who was juggling 5 apples as he ran the 26.2 miles…he got quite the cheer as people on the sidelines were yelling “Look at the juggler”…or “Hey juggling man way to go!” I have to say that he was pretty impressive!

Here’s a shot of Donna in Brooklyn at about mile 11 with the Manhattan skyline in the far background.

Bands were playing all along the route so there was noise and cheering going on at almost all times. And the signs people had were awesome. There were signs stating how much “Brooklyn loves marathoners” all the way to “Run like you stole something” or “Run like someone is chasing you”. Then as we hit the Queensboro bridge the signs we saw mostly read…”Now get out of Brooklyn”!

We ran for about a mile and a half  in Queens and then at mile 15 we were back on another bridge only this time it was the dreaded 59th Street bridge. This one mile long bridge has a slow steep incline which is countered by a fast and steep decline. Once we were off the bridge we were on 1st Ave in Manhattan and the large crowds were back again along with all of the bands. The bars lining 1st Ave were brimming with spectators and if you looked up you could see balconies filled with onlookers cheering. It was here at 63rd and 1st that our personal cheering section had convened. There was Chris and our kids along with Christina and then the rest of my husband’s siblings and spouses cheering and yelling, but most of all they all had enormous smiles on their faces!

We had about 3 1/2 miles to run in Manhattan and it was roughly at about mile 17 or so that Donna began to get a cramp on her right side just under her arm. It got so bad in fact that it had begun to nauseate her. But being the true trooper she has always been with any adversity she’s encountered in her life, she refused to walk and just kept plugging along. We reached the Willis Avenue bridge at mile 19 1/2 which brought us into the Bronx. As we came off the bridge and made the left turn onto 5th Ave. we were greeted by a massive Jumbotron and our own image as we began our one mile run through the Bronx. It was pretty cool. I tried to get a shot of this but the closer I got the more mottled the image became.

So it was one mile in The Bronx and then we hit our last bridge and believe me there were people with signs saying “This is your last bridge”. Over the Madison Avenue bridge and we were in the Harlem section of Manhattan. It was there that a line of lovely and lively black women about my age were cheering and yelling “Come on Philly you can do it!” They were yelling to me and calling me “Philly” because I had now removed my jacket for the final time to expose my bib number for all the photographers and right above the number my tank says…”Philadelphia Marathon”. Well these ladies were just what I needed at roughly mile 22. They stood there with their arms extended and hands out to hi-five runners as they passed and I made sure I tapped hands with every one of them and as I did I said “Oh how I need you ladies right now!”

By this time the stitch in Donna’s side had begun to lessen and we headed down 5th Avenue looking for the entrance to Central Park. As we ran we heard people shouting to us that the park is only a mile away. There was a girl standing on the right side of 5th Ave holding about a dozen balloons and a sign which read “You’re almost there and I checked, there is a finish line”. At mile 24 we entered Central Park and in front of us were a series of rolling hills which to be honest, by this time we barely noticed. So up and down the hills we ran, however for me this was the first time in the whole marathon I had begun to wonder if I would finish. I didn’t hit the proverbial wall but I was just so ready to be done with this 6 hour 26.2 mile long jog that mentally the miles became longer for me. “Where the hell is mile 25?’ I said to Donna. She smiled and replied ..”Oh it’s there somewhere soon”. I was also looking for Chris and the kids and anyone else from our cheering section. Then finally, just past mile 25 there they were. Chris and Christina where again cheering their hearts out for us with words of encouragement.

We ran over and again gave them all hugs and thanks for their support. We knew that they would not see us at the finish by virtue of the fact that the finish line is kind of roped off from most specatators. There was one more Jumbotron as we rounded the last turn and there were banners one each side of the path telling you 1/2 mile, 800 meters, 400 meters, 200 and then 100 meters until the finish line. And there it was…the glorious finish line! I turned to Donna and grabbed her hand as I have in many of our past races. We wanted this photo finish of the greatest race in the world to be of us together, arms up and smiling through the tears! And tears did come for both emotional and physical reasons. But we had finished…we can stop running now. This race was over and we did it!

Now as far as any more full on marathons for me…well I don’t know. It is all in a way a bit beguiling to me. But one thing I do know was what I saw written on one of the signs towards the end of the race. The sign read…

“Pain is Temporary…Pride is forever!”

This accomplishment is something I will always have and can ever be taken away. It is all mine and then again it’s not. I’ve shared this journey with my family and close friends…it was a long and difficult one which I could have never done alone. And I am thankful for all of the love and support I received up to and including race day. And I am forever thankful to my husband Chris that our children were there to witness this most incredible race!


Barbara Curran,

You are incredible—a champion in your own right! You finished the world’s greatest marathon on Sunday.

Just like our champions Geoffrey Mutai and Firehiwot Dado, Masazumi Soejima and Amanda McGrory, you achieved something that most people only dream about.

You were part of a record-breaking weekend, in so many ways. More than 47,000 runners. A stunning $34 million raised for charity. Mutai’s 2:05:05 in New York is now the fastest performance on a record-certified course in the United States. In fact, the top three men as well as the women’s wheelchair champion beat course records.

From Friday night’s inaugural Marathon Opening Ceremony to Saturday’s Dash to the Finish Line 5K to Marathon Sunday, the weekend was a blur of inspiration. As Jack Waitz finished, we all thought of our beloved Grete Waitz, to whom we dedicated this year’s race. We hope the moment of pure elation when you crossed the finish line will stay with you forever.

You’re an official ING New York City Marathon 2011 finisher with a time of 6:01:20. We call you champion. Don’t you love the sound of that?

On behalf of NYRR—your biggest fans,

Posted in Marathon, Running, thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

3 Day Countdown to the NYC Marathon…

“I run because I can. When I get tired I remember those who can’t run, what they’d give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them. I know they would do this for me.”  ~ Unknown Author

It’s a shame the author of this quote is unknown because I’d sure like to thank him or her for it. The marathon is only 3 days away and the 4 long months of training has all come to and end.  The longest run of this journey is yet to begin in less that 72 hours from now.  And as I am sitting here writing I am thinking about the people I know who can’t, for one reason or another, run let alone be able to walk any distance at all. So I have decided to make a few offerings up as a way to honor 3  people in my life who have or had struggles.

The first person I will think of is my brother-in-law Charlie who passed away last November. Charlie endured much pain and suffering before he died. I know there will be tough spots during the marathon and trust me, and I know I will have pain. This pain I will give up for Charlie.

The second person who I will offer my struggles for is my father-in-law Joe. He is a huge part of who my husband is and my husband been a huge supporter of my racing. The miles in which my will becomes weak and I want to cry and quit, I will give these miles up for Joe.

And the third person who has been on my mind greatly in the recent year is my high school friend Amy. Amy has endured a lot due to illness, yet she has shown me what true strength and courage is, and it is this strength and will to fight that has inspired me and kept me going in all my really tough long training runs. I would hit a hill and think…this sucks, and then I would think what Amy is going through at the time and say to myself “that sucks more”…and I’d make it up the hill tired and hurting but doing it because I wanted to be as strong as she is.

So with that being said it is for Amy that I am dedicating this full marathon. She is not a quitter, she is a fighter, she is strong-willed and she is strongly loved. For her I will run as hard as I can because I know if the tables were turned and we were in each others shoes, she would find someway to do exactly the same for me.

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Dear English Ponytail Lady…

I am writing this because there are times when I simply can’t believe some people! This is the scenario…

On Sunday morning I was driving down one of the streets near my neighborhood and I see a large sign that reads…”Yard Sale Sunday”. So of course I am going to have to do a drive by, nothing ventured nothing gained. And it’s Sunday, I had already gone to church and there really wasn’t anything pending that I had to do at the time, and maybe I can pick up something I have been needing or possibly another furniture project. (Like I don’t already have a garage filled with furniture projects!)

So as I approached the yard sale I saw lots of furniture and I began to get all excited. I had Michael in the car with me and I matter of factly asked him if he minded if I stopped. He’s easy-going enough so we did. I got out of the car and immediately spied 3 wood tables of various sizes…thinking to myself there is real potential here. Then a couple of small candlestick lamps caught my eye…mmmm…really has potential was my thought again. So after I did a quick survey I decided to start checking out the pricing on the items for sale. OK this is where I can’t believe people. The two candlestick lamps, small with a somewhat interesting lampshade…$15 each! What I thought this can’t be right. Then I checked out the tables…they were priced from 325 -375 dollars…U.S. Dollars! And these tables were far from being in mint condition. They had dings and scratches, definite signs of many years of wear. But what threw me completely over the edge was a set of six chairs…looked like old wood kitchen chairs with all the paint rubbed off. Now I know people like the patina look, I do to, but would anyone in their right mind pay $350 for a set??? Hello…we are at a yard sale here, not in a furniture store! There is no over head, there are no employees….it’s only you lady and the crap you hauled out of your house!!! Just because you’re wearing little brown English riding boots and breeches,  your shoulder length blonde hair pulled back into a neat ponytail, and you live in freaking Tewksbury, doesn’t mean people are going to shell out top dollar for your old used and abused junk. Yes you can price it anyway you want, but really, who is out hitting yards sales, on a Sunday no less, with a few thou in their pocket? Oh and if they don’t have that kind of money on them are they really going to want to run home to raid their kid’s piggy banks just to buy your old beat up furniture???

And then to top it all off, I overheard this English ponytail lady actually counter a completely fair offer from a potential buyer! Sheesh I thought…you really are out of your tree!

Well I have to tell you that I grabbed Michael and made a bee line to my car. Honestly, I really felt like I was in some sort of parallel universe where the junk you pull out of your basement is worth more that an item bought off a showroom floor! I would have loved to have taken a drive past that house in Tewksbury later on in the day just to see what she didn’t sell and was stuck having to drag back into her house.

So it would be suffice to say that the yard sales in my neck of the woods are not  yard sales at all, and these people really think that their crap doesn’t stink!

You know I have half a mind to print this off and stuff it in her damn mailbox!

Posted in Decorating, Furniture, humor, thoughts, Yard Sales | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Happy Halloween…Roxy the Dog Goes as Jersey Shore’s “Snooki”

O.K. I am sharing this will all
of you because it is so funny that it simply makes me laugh my proverbial ass off! This is Roxy, a 3 1/2 year old Black Mouth Cur, who actually
belongs to my brother-in-law’s family. His wife and kids came up with the outfit
to enter her in a pet costume contest at their vet’s office.
I think it is pretty darn
If you agree with me you can go to the link below and
vote for her to win.
Once there just click on the stars below her picture to
Thank you and
enjoy the laugh!!!
Good girl Roxy…good girl!!
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